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核心提示: 近日,我校园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室果树栽培团队在Plant Physiology 上发表了题为 "ABF4 and ABR1 synergistically regulate amylase-mediated starch catabolism for drought tolerance" 的研究论文,报道了柑橘资源通过ABF4-ABR1转录调控模块促进干旱环境下β-淀粉酶(BMA3)介导的淀粉降解、提高可溶性糖含量增强抗旱性的分子调控新通路。

M88体育-明升M88体育讯(通讯员 李春龙)近日,我校园艺植物生物学教育部重点实验室果树栽培团队在Plant Physiology 上发表了题为 "ABF4 and ABR1 synergistically regulate amylase-mediated starch catabolism for drought tolerance" 的研究论文,报道了柑橘资源通过ABF4-ABR1转录调控模块促进干旱环境下β-淀粉酶(BMA3)介导的淀粉降解、提高可溶性糖含量增强抗旱性的分子调控新通路。





β-amylase (BAM)-mediated starch degradation is a main source of soluble sugars that help plants adapt to environmental stresses. Here, we demonstrate that dehydration-induced expression of PtrBAM3 in trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.) functions positively in drought tolerance via modulation of starch catabolism. Two transcription factors, PtrABF4 (Poncirus trifoliata ABA-responsive element binding factor 4) and PtrABR1 (Poncirus trifoliata ABA repressor 1), were identified as upstream transcriptional activators of PtrBAM3 through yeast one-hybrid library screening and protein-DNA interaction assays. Both PtrABF4 and PtrABR1 played a positive role in plant drought tolerance by modulating soluble sugar accumulation derived from BAM3-mediated starch decomposition. In addition, PtrABF4 could directly regulate PtrABR1 expression by binding to its promoter, leading to a regulatory cascade to reinforce the activation of PtrBAM3. Moreover, PtrABF4 physically interacted with PtrABR1 to form a protein complex that further promoted the transcriptional regulation of PtrBAM3. Taken together, our finding reveal that a transcriptional cascade composed of ABF4 and ABR1 works synergistically to up-regulate BAM3 expression and starch catabolism in response to drought condition. The results shed light on the understanding of the regulatory molecular mechanisms underlying BAM-mediated soluble sugar accumulation for rendering drought tolerance in plants.


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责任编辑:蒋朝常 刘欣雨