M88体育-明升M88体育讯(通讯员 周品)近日,我校经济管理学院洪宪培教授、周品副教授、博士生周美伶、硕士毕业生何芷璇在管理学期刊UTD24期刊Production and Operations Management上发表论文“Centralization or Decentralization? The Effect of Cost Learning on Procurement Strategy”。该论文探究了生产中的学习效应对供应链采购策略偏好的影响,为全球化背景下跨国公司的采购决策提供了借鉴意义。
采购一直是企业战略管理的关键职能,采购成本在企业运营成本中占据较大比重。随着跨国公司发展,越来越多的企业建立多个事业部(multiple local divisions)负责全球各地区的生产、销售活动。在商业实践中,常用的采购模式主要包括两种。一为集中采购,即由总部设定专门的部门负责各个事业部的统一采购;二为分散采购,即各个事业部能够自主进行采购。选择集中采购或分散采购是企业在采购时面临的关键决策。已有研究表明,集中采购模式具有采购折扣、更高效的资源分配等优势,通常会更受企业青睐。然而,在2013年,丰田汽车向雅马哈采购的发动机数量增加使得雅马哈发动机的生产成本降低。同年,丰田汽车将其原采用的集中采购模式转变为分散采购模式。丰田汽车采购模式的变化表明现有结论并不能完全解释企业实践,成本学习效应如何影响企业的采购决策值得深入探究。
我校经济管理学院洪宪培教授为该论文第一作者,周品副教授为论文通讯作者。香港科技大学Ying-Ju Chen教授参与了本研究。
This paper investigates the effect of cost learning on the manufacturer’s procurement strategy in the presence of multiple local divisions and market competition, and the strategy preferences of stakeholders, such as the supplier. Firms are often confronted with a critical procurement decision: centralization versus decentralization. For this paper, we incorporate the learning effect into this crucial strategy and demonstrate its ubiquity and significant practical implications in today’s technological environment. We develop a two-period model with an upstream supplier and a downstream manufacturer with multiple divisions and examine the equilibrium outcomes under the two procurement methods. The results show that, due to the cost learning effect, the manufacturer might switch his choice from centralized procurement to decentralized one; and the manufacturer may switch back to centralized one when the rate of product substitution is small. However, the preferences of the supplier, channel, and consumers may shift from decentralized procurement to a centralized one. When the product homogenization between local divisions becomes large enough and as the learning rate increases, the manufacturer shifts its optimal procurement strategy from centralization to decentralization. However, the supplier, channel, and consumers are always better off under decentralized procurement. When the learning rate is large, the preferences of the supplier and the manufacturer achieve consistency and a win-win relationship benefiting the channel and consumers. This paper is the first to take the upstream learning effect into account in the firms’ optimal purchasing strategy and advise managers of group corporations consisting of multiple local sales divisions with business expansion needs. Our findings suggest that the effect of cost learning has a critical impact on firms’ purchasing preferences, the profitability of both parties, and consumer surplus.
审核人 李谷成